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DOWNLOAD LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sujybzzt3g78yhy/Trading%20Journal.xlsx?dl=0
This is an excel spreadsheet.
I will be updating this with new/more complicated features regularly. I just want to give those who haven’t used a trading journal a basic, no-strings-attached spreadsheet to get started. If you have any suggestions or if something doesn’t work, please let me know. God bless your souls.
Traders use trading journals to document trades and their relative information. This allows options, forex, and day traders (or really any trader) to analyze their progress. With the hyperlink to an image of the actual chart, you can see exactly what happened in the trade so that you might improve yourself going forward.
Without a trading journal, it is difficult to know if you’re making progress, and it slows down the learning process. Learn to trade better faster by downloading this excel spreadsheet and using it regularly.
Free Options TRADING JOURNAL | track all options trades and link stock charts with notes