- ATOS was a nice chat room mention in the pre-market on Monday when the company put out news about an upcoming announcement for its Phase 1 study results. The stock made a nice push from the low $.50s to $1.59/share by Wednesday morning for a potential increase of over 210% before less than impressive phase 1 study results combined with an announcement about a private placement offering being done at $.44/share sent the stock price plummeting lower than it started
- BONT was a nice chat room mention late in the session on Tuesday when the ticker started to pop towards $.50/share off news about an amendment to its credit facility. BONT continued to run to $1.35/share by Wednesday afternoon for a potential increase of over 170%
- VKTX was first mentioned in the chat room from around $1.20/share back in early-mid September. The ticker slowly worked its way up past $2/share then saw some breakout action late last week hitting $3.24/share for a potential overall increase of 170%
- CMLS was a great pre market mention on Thursday with the ticker getting a few pre market hits off preliminary earnings showing big revenues. The ticker opened at $.33/share then pushed to $.7244/share by midday for a potential increase of 119%
- HTGM was mentioned in the chat room as a trade idea back on October 4th in the $1.70s because of the set-up/activity. This ticker has seen some nice pop/grind action since then pushing to new recent highs this week at $2.94/share for a potential increase of around 66%
- VISI was mentioned in that chat room right at the open on Tuesday when it popped to $3/share. The ticker saw some decent action that day then another nice pop on Thursday morning to $4.85/share for a potential increase of 61%
- AMDA was a nice chat room mention in the pre market on Monday at $.36/share when it announced a presentation scheduled for Wednesday. The stock climbed to $.5779/share by Wednesday for a potential increase of 60%
- PTIE turned into a pretty good trade opportunity after it was mentioned in the chat room on Tuesday at about $4.20/share gapping up some off news. The ticker saw a big volume spike to $6.49/share after the open for a potential increase of around 54%
- TOPS with DRYS offering a decent move TOPS also turned into a pretty good trade from the mid-$.40s to $.70/share for a potential increase of over 50% after being mentioned in the chat room
- DRYS was a nice chat room mention from around $3.80/share on Monday with the ticker showing signs of momentum building since the ticker has a history of some decent moves following reverse splits. The ticker made it to $5.59/share on Wednesday for a potential increase of around 47%
- XNET turned into a good trade from both sides. We first mentioned it as a short play off the pre-market gap up on Friday. The ticker fell from close to $7.50/share down to $6.10/share for decent potential gains on the short side then it turned into a nice long play pushing back up to new highs at $8.98/share by the end of the week for a potential increase of 45% on the long side
OTC Tickers / Top Penny Stocks
- ATPT we put on watch for more activity entering the October 17th trading session (adding it to our morning emails) after a bunch of filings hit the night before. (Also see this research posted later that same day). ATPT opened at $.0005/share on the 17th then climbed almost daily since hitting $.003/share this week on Friday for a potential increase of 500%
- NRBT we have been tracking this one since October 3rd at $.35/share when a new paid promotion started for the ticker mainly because of the history of the ticker (as ECIT it got a huge paid promotion a few years ago) and because the float is so well controlled by the same insider(s) that were involved back when it ran big as ECIT. The ticker is part of an SEC investigation into those same insiders that are running the current paid promotion so it comes with a big suspension risk, but so far it has offered a big overall move climbing daily to $1.98/share this week on Friday for a potential increase of 465%
- JBZY was a nice chat room mention late last week at $.03/share (while it was still DOLV). The Issuer was mentioned again on Monday morning at $.05/share as momentum was picking up after the company announced its symbol change being approved for Wednesday. DOLV ran all the way to $.158/share on Tuesday off the news for a potential increase of 426%
- FVRD was a nice chat room mention midday on Monday around $.004/share with the recent bitcoin entry seeing some nice action/pumping. The strong action on Monday was followed by press releases on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday helping to push the stock to $.0203/share for a potential increase of 400%
- IFXY was a nice chat room mention on Monday morning at $.0004/share with the ticker seeing some positive action off an 8K filing done late last week. The ticker tapped $.0011/share several times as the week went on for a potential increase of 175%
- OMVS was a nice chat room mention on October 13th when news hit that afternoon at $.045/share. The ticker took off fast closing at its HOD then continued higher this week to $.11/share on Friday for a potential increase of 144%
- PJET was mentioned in the chat room and in our morning emails during the pre-market on October 12th because of news about the ticker entering the cannabis industry. PJET opened at $.0007/share then worked its way up to $.0017/share this week on Wednesday for a potential increase of 142%
- PCFP was a nice bottom call in the chat room at $.62/share when it saw a huge dip on air Monday morning. The ticker bounced back to $1.25/share for a potential increase of around 100%
See Previous Weeks here
One of our primary goals is to identify catalyst and chart set-ups that have the greatest potential for large moves on both the long and short side. Our intentions is to provide high quality information that is as unbiased as possible. The catalyst and trade plan ideas that we provide are not buy or sell alerts (trade alerts are a scam), they represent potential opportunities that we believe our members should look into further. The tickers mentioned on our post are the top potential trade opportunities for day traders. A day trader is looking for volatility and not an “alert”. A volatile stock provides multiple trade opportunities on both the long and short side for traders that understand how they work. Day traders also are looking for multiple trades throughout the day. These are the stocks that could provide the greatest range for day trading.
Since the stocks that we watch have the potential to make big moves, they can be easily influenced by additional catalyst in either direction. We highly recommend that traders have a good understanding of technical analysis along with a thorough understanding of the catalyst and other influential factors prior to trading. We recommend that a trader should only enter a trade if a good risk vs reward set-up is obvious and the trader has a solid plan. The stocks we watch are seldom good long term investments. Our team members are focused on potential day trades and swing trades only. Above is a list of our top potential trade opportunities that we had identified over the last week. In our list we have posted the price at the time that we had identified the catalyst or listed a potential trade plan idea. The potential increase / decrease percentage represents the highest potential move. It is unrealistic to ever expect to time the exact top and bottom of every move and it is our belief that traders should be looking instead to find a smaller, higher predictable piece of the larger moves when the proper setups appear.
Not sure about something? Our team of pro traders and world’s top researchers are available throughout each trading day to help our members! Do you want to know all of the top potential trade opportunities each and every trading day?
The post Top Trade Opportunities October 23, 2017 – October 27, 2017 appeared first on DayTrading.Buzz.