Solid Lessons from My $6,476 Weekend Win

Solid Lessons from My $6,476 Weekend Win: Key Takeaways

  • One of the first steps to freedom is recognizing patterns of opportunity.
  • The sooner you get serious about studying, the sooner it will start to make sense.
  • 3 ways healthy skepticism can make you a better trader…

Watch the Weekend Profits Replay Here

In Case You Missed It (and Especially If You Didn’t)

which candlestick pattern is most reliable
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You know I launched a new newsletter, right? It’s called Weekend Profits. If you aren’t on my email list, you might have missed it. But that’s OK, because today I’ll review the first Weekend Profits trade. And I’ll show you how it’s not too late to learn this strategy.

If you watched the webinar last week but weren’t ready to commit, study this trade. Think of it as another opportunity.

If you missed this one, learn from it. I realize people have busy lives and busy schedules. The important thing is to understand that even though I sold WAY too soon again, I locked in 27% and $6,476.* (My starting stake was 760,000 shares at $0.0312, or $23,712.)

And it’s not luck…

Seeing Patterns of Opportunity

Again, it’s OK if you know about the pattern and just missed it. The same goes for watching to learn. If you recognized it but were a little scared, that’s OK, too. I know these stocks can be scary. Study my trade below to see how I lock in profits on this kind of play.*


If you did take advantage of it, congratulations. Keep studying and prepare for the next one.

But if you missed it because you don’t know the pattern, now’s the time to start learning.

It Happens Again and Again

When you see my trade, you’ll realize I’m not the best trader. My 27% win was nowhere near the best-case scenario. For me, I’m just trying to be real. That’s why I’ve been teaching for over a decade.

Before you review the trade, check this out because it explains the concept in more detail.

My Favorite Weekend Play That I’ve Been Using Since College

I’ve been trading this pattern for over 20 years now. This 11-minute video explains how it works…

Now check out the trade I took last week using the exact same strategy described in the video…

Clean Vision Corporation (OTCPK: CLNV)

CLNV was already on my watchlist last week. Why? Because it was a recent runner. But it had dropped from roughly 7 cents to around 3 cents per share. On September 3, the company announced an upcoming shareholder call. This was the headline…

Clear Vision Corp to Hold Shareholder Call; CEO Dan Bates to Lay Out Plans for Company Exapansion

The conference call was scheduled for September 8. Since CLNV had spiked earlier in the week, it was a perfect upcoming news catalyst. And most people wouldn’t see the news until Friday evening. Or, possibly, over the holiday weekend.

Here’s the CLNV chart from September 3–7. (Remember, it was a three-day weekend.)

CLNV chart
CLNV chart: September 3–7, first green day with news, Weekend Profits play — courtesy of (past performance is not indicative of future returns)

My goal was to sell into the 4-cent range. I took some risk off the table on Friday afternoon, locking in profits on roughly 60% of my position. As you can see, I sold too soon. CLNV ran more — right after I sold it.

On Tuesday morning, CLNV gapped up. I sold the rest, locking in total profits of $6,476.

Friday Trading Strategy Over the Weekend: CLNV Trade Analysis

Pay attention to my mindset when trading this strategy…

I like to think like a retired trader. It’s counterintuitive, but that means acting only if I see a play so good that I’d feel guilty missing it. The informational inefficiency that makes my Weekend Profits strategy work is a great example.

Repetition Is the Mother of Skill

Clean Vision Corporation
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Again, it’s not luck. That’s not to say it’s easy. It takes experience. You have to know which catalysts are important. You have to learn how, and when, to lock it in.

Here are some key takeaways from the trade…

  • The big catalyst wasn’t due to happen until the following week.
  • Many people wouldn’t see the news until after work on Friday. (StocksToTrade Breaking News Chat helps me to stay WAY ahead of the game.**)
  • Less meticulous people wouldn’t see the news until the weekend.

Now look at the chart again. My trade was nowhere near perfect. If I hadn’t sold roughly half on Friday … If I’d just held until around 11 a.m. on Tuesday … it could have been a $16,000 win.

Let that sink in.

Now, let’s look at why I’m proud of how I managed this trade. Even though I sold too early on Friday and again on Tuesday…

A Lesson Every Small Account Trader Should Learn

This is simple, but so many newbies (and even some veteran traders) miss it. And it’s why I’m proud to have locked in over $6,000 while leaving $10,000 on the table*…

watchlist banner

The trade hit my goal. My average sell was $0.0398, or nearly 4 cents per share.

It was a scary stock. Look at the chart again. It had wide swings. (It was an excellent panic dip buy opportunity on Tuesday morning.)

You don’t have to be perfect. My 27% win might seem big. But in four hours of trading, from Friday afternoon to Tuesday morning, there was a 70% move. That said, if a stock’s range is only 27% over that same time frame, it’s very difficult to maximize.

The lesson? Lock in profits along the way. Be satisfied with singles. But to do that, first you have to recognize the pattern. When I first started people said, “Tim, you’re full of it. There’s no pattern here, it’s luck.”

It’s not luck. It’s a repetitive pattern.

Proud to Teach, Proud to Keep It Real

top penny stocks list September 07, 2021 Top Trading Challenge students Mari, Jack, Matt, teacher Tim Sykes, Kyle, Roland, Huddie in Positano, Italy 2021
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I’m proud to teach these patterns to students. And I will explain them to anybody willing to study. Are you willing to study?

Some of my millionaire students are better traders than me. Like Tim Grittani. He’s made over $13 million — nearly double what I’ve made — in half the time.* Even though he’s taken most of the past year off to spend time with family. He missed a lot of opportunities but he loves his family. That’s beautiful — that’s what it’s all about.

Jack Kellogg is another example. He’s made over $8 million — $6 million of it this year alone.* I want you to understand THAT is what’s possible.

Any single person can do better than me because of the opportunity. I have experience. But I am in no way, shape, or form, a perfect trader. I’m optimized for teaching. The number of new millionaire students over the past year speaks for itself.*

But you have to understand that they all studied their butts off. And most of them were skeptical at one point…

Skeptic’s Guide to Maximizing Opportunity

E-Trade and the SEC’s New OTC Restrictions
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Remember, my first millionaire student, Michael Goode, was also my first hater. We went back and forth in the comment section on his blog post, “Timothy Sykes is full of bullship.”

So I’m used to skeptical people. He gave me a chance. Now he’s made over $2.6 million.*

Look, it’s OK to be skeptical. I think that’s good in an industry full of BS. Most penny stocks fail. Most people ‘teaching’ about the stock market are frauds or fakes. Or they paint a picture that’s too good to be true.

It isn’t easy. It takes time and practice. And to get there, you must learn to…

Recognize Opportunity

Too many people don’t even recognize opportunity when it comes their way. Did you recognize the opportunity last week when I launched Weekend Profits?

penny stock checklist

For people with small accounts, my Weekend Profits play is a great pattern. (It doesn’t use up one of your day trades if you’re under the PDT rule.) That’s why I launched it — so busy people with small accounts can get started.

Get Past the Newbie Learning Curve

It’s key to understand this pattern doesn’t work 100% of the time. No pattern is 100%. In the beginning, you might need to just watch and learn rather than trade. Or you might want to paper trade for a while. (StocksToTrade has a killer paper trading module.**)

Then, you’ll want to start small and gain experience. But if you don’t start now … when will you start? Start today. Then stay in the game long enough to overcome the newbie learning curve…

Drill Down to One Strategy That Works For You

I see a lot of people trying to learn too many strategies at once. And I get it. There’s no one right pattern for everybody.

Theoretically, you could have traded CLNV more than one way using the strategies I teach.

For example, you could have held over the weekend and sold into the gap-up like I did. Then you could’ve bought the dip on Tuesday. There’s so much opportunity in these big percent gainers.

But whatever you choose, at first, you need to find one strategy that works. And I think the Weekend Profits strategy is excellent for anyone with a small account.

If Not Now, When?

is moving average a good indicator
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We’re all in different situations and circumstances. So your answer is unique to you. But if trading this pattern is as simple as making a decision to study hard, then now is the time.

There are a few real obstacles in your path…

  • Fake gurus and promoters. (Warning: They’re in it to take your hard-earned money.)
  • Lack of knowledge.
  • Lack of experience.
  • Wall Street and financial pundits.
  • Not taking action. (In my opinion, this is the most costly.)

How do you overcome these obstacles?

Watch the Weekend Profits Presentation

Most people on Wall Street ignore this niche. And they ignore these patterns…

**Watch the Weekend Profits Replay Now**

Therein lies the opportunity.

I know penny stocks can be scary. At first, it seems daunting. Watch the presentation now. If you already watched it, watch it again. Then come back and review the CLNV trade again. That trade isn’t unique. It happened two days after the launch.

Want another example of where I sold too soon on a similar play? Read “How I Made $2,236 on a Friday Afternoon.” The setup was almost identical. And it keeps happening. Not every day (not even every Friday), but often enough for me to grow my account using the strategy.

It’s not easy, but anybody can learn this pattern. How long it takes is up to you and your level of dedication.

What do you think of this pattern? Are you ready to learn? Comment below, I love to hear from all my readers!


*Results are not typical and will vary from person to person. Making money trading stocks takes time, dedication, and hard work.  Most who receive free or paid content will make little or no money because they will not apply the skills being taught. Any results displayed are exceptional. We do not guarantee any outcome regarding your earnings or income as the factors that impact such results are numerous and uncontrollable. Timothy Sykes has a minority shareholder interest in the platform. 

**Tim Sykes has a minority ownership stake in

The post Solid Lessons from My $6,476 Weekend Win appeared first on Timothy Sykes.

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