💎Get 2 free stocks valued up to $3,200 when you deposit $100 in WeBull: https://act.webull.com/k/CfaJLUrdC3v2/main
💎Sign up for Robinhood and get a free stock, like Visa, Microsoft, or Apple! – https://robinhood.c3me6x.net/rjg4j​​
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This is part two of a tutorial on how to trade options on Robinhood. In the last video, puts were briefly discussed as their mechanics mimic that of calls very closely. However, after receiving some comments wanting more info on puts, I made this video to point out how puts are similar to calls and why they have minute differences. Trading calls and puts on Robinhood is very similar. While you may be betting on the underlying stock moving the other direction, the way the greeks interact with calls and puts (aside from delta) are almost identical. Because what’s in the money and out of the money are flipped between the two types of options, you’ll find that a lot of the characteristics are mirrored.
While this tutorial directly applies options trading to Robinhood, everything discussed in both videos is applicable to every brokerage out there. This video is not just for Robinhood users but for TDAmeritrade, WeBull, TastyWorks, and other brokerage’s clients as well.