Long Call vs. Call Spread | Options Strategy Comparison

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The long call option and long call spread (bull call spread) are two similar bullish options strategies. But what are the differences between the two trading strategies?

In this video, we’ll compare the long call and long call spread, discussing the major differences between the two strategies.

More specifically, you’ll learn:

1) The primary differences between buying calls and buying call spreads (using real examples with Facebook options).

2) The pros and cons of buying calls vs. call spreads.

3) When to buy call options and when to buy call spreads instead.

Using real-time examples with Facebook options, we’ll explore the directional exposure, time decay exposure and the implied volatility sensitivity of each options strategy.

Long Call Strategy: https://youtu.be/vvAND3hDRwc
Long Call Spread Strategy: https://youtu.be/sLv01uZ8Q5s

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