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Have a great weekend everyone just wanted to say for my followers WHAT A WEEK BABY $$$$$$$$. Up or Down market I make you money!!!
Get ready earning season is around the corner and we are going on an EPIC-AMAZING-PARABOLIC RUN together one big happy family!!!

You heard in from Sweet VANESSA.. IPNFF!!! IF shes selling it IM BUYING!!!!
Im in great hands this weekend don’t worry bout me.. No flamingos but hey I think Vanessa is a good compromise!! .3

Hope you all saw the BOGUS LIES and S&D that took place last week.
This unethical – corrupt -lowlife blogger will be hit with a beautiful CLASS ACTION suit in the coming months as he and his boys made a perfectly planned short attack in order to STEAL people’s hard-earned money..
Guess what these same shorters now bought the stock..
If you were one of the shareholders that sold your precious IPNFF shares because of this FALSE NEWS ARTICLE then please contact me immediately as I am building an ARMY for this lawsuit against his unethical and highly illegal actions.. S&D -Short & Distort- Many people linked to this pathetic human being are already linked to him so the question is not IF we shareholders will file this suit its WHEN!! The higher the IPNFF share price goes the more those unethical MTF will pay!! I hope your proud for stealing peoples hard-earned money but guess what IT AINT HAPPENING ON MY WATCH MTF!!!
All you shareholders who stayed strong and long congratulations as next week we blast off because these same shorters are now longs and ImagineAR just released a live counter-attack on these unethical scums..


The same thing happened to NEXCF-NTAR a few months ago.
Look at it now!!! DONT PANIC SELL this is a DIRTY DIRTY GAME!!

**After watching this interview Wall Street Reporter I am even more convinced that IPNFF will EXPLODE very very soon**

These SHorts wanted to be part of IPNFF so they put out this BS they made money on way down and now LOADED up to go LONG.

LOVE YOU ALL thank you once again for your support.

God bless you all.

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