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In this video, you will learn three popular options trading strategies that are suitable for beginners with real trade examples and visualizations.
While there are dozens of options trading strategies available, we’ve selected three strategies that we think are great starter strategies for beginner options traders. Additionally, one of the strategies is a great way for long-term stock investors to use options in their portfolios to reduce risk and potentially enhance the returns of passive investments.
Strategy #1: Selling Put Spreads
Selling put spreads is a great starter strategy because the trade can be implemented with very little capital, has bullish market exposure (which most investors want), and a high probability of profit.
To learn all the details and risks related to selling put spreads, please watch our video on the strategy: https://youtu.be/ZTgPxXg41-Y
Strategy #2: Selling Iron Condors
Selling iron condors is the second beginner strategy discussed in the video. The iron condor is a great options trading strategy for beginners because it is a non-directional trade with limited risk.
To learn all the details and risks related to selling iron condors, please watch our video on the strategy: https://youtu.be/UlO2I0s1Kl0
Strategy #3: The Covered Call
Covered calls are more capital intensive than the first two strategies, but are ideal for long-term investors who wish to use options to hedge their passive investments, with the potential to enhance returns during dull market periods.
For all the details and risks related to covered calls, check out our strategy video: https://youtu.be/I4suNFhxepM
Cash-Secured Puts: https://www.projectfinance.com/options-selling-cash-covered-puts/
Short Iron Condor: https://www.projectfinance.com/iron-condor/
Vertical Spreads Explained for Beginners: https://www.projectfinance.com/vertical-spreads/