Top Day Trading Stocks July 30, 2018 – Aug 3, 2018

Every day the market provides amazing day trading opportunities. It is not uncommon to see a stock move up over 100% within a short period of time. The key to profiting from day trading is not to capture the entire move; instead a day trader is looking for a stock capable of big moves and volatility so they can focus on the more predictable portion of the move and jump in and out (on both the long and short side) with lower risk. Below are a few of the stocks from last week that day traders focused on.



Business Finance

day trader.


Business Finance

day trader


Business Finance

day trader


Business Finance

day trader


Business Finance

OTC Tickers / Top Penny Stocks



See Previous Weeks here



One of our primary goals is to identify catalyst and chart set-ups that have the greatest potential for large moves on both the long and short side. Our intentions is to provide high quality information that is as unbiased as possible. The catalyst and trade plan ideas that we provide are not buy or sell alerts (trade alerts are a scam), they represent potential opportunities that we believe our members should look into further. The tickers mentioned on our post are the top potential trade opportunities for day traders. A day trader is looking for volatility and not an “alert”. A volatile stock provides multiple trade opportunities on both the long and short side for traders that understand how they work. Day traders also are looking for multiple trades throughout the day. These are the stocks that could provide the greatest range for day trading.

Since the stocks that we watch have the potential to make big moves, they can be easily influenced by additional catalyst in either direction. We highly recommend that traders have a good understanding of technical analysis along with a thorough understanding of the catalyst and other influential factors prior to trading. We recommend that a trader should only enter a trade if a good risk vs reward set-up is obvious and the trader has a solid plan. The stocks we watch are seldom good long term investments. Our team members are focused on potential day trades and swing trades only. Above is a list of our top potential trade opportunities that we had identified over the last week. In our list we have posted the price at the time that we had identified the catalyst or listed a potential trade plan idea. The potential increase / decrease percentage represents the highest potential move. It is unrealistic to ever expect to time the exact top and bottom of every move and it is our belief that traders should be looking instead to find a smaller, higher predictable piece of the larger moves when the proper setups appear.

Not sure about something? Our team of pro traders and world’s top researchers are available throughout each trading day to help our members! Do you want to know all of the top potential trade opportunities each and every trading day?

The post Top Day Trading Stocks July 30, 2018 – Aug 3, 2018 appeared first on DayTrading.Buzz.

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